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Celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China | Doright Party Branch organized a learning activity at the Qingdao Party History Museum 2023-07-06

Warmly celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC! In July, the party flag was raised to welcome the 102nd birthday of the CPC. Doright Party branch organized a number of special activities.


On July 4th, the branch party members and Tsinghua University doctoral summer practice team organized a visit to the Qingdao Party History Memorial Hall, reviewing the development history of the Party, inheriting red culture, and striving to become a new generation of the times.



Under the guidance and commentary of the announcer at the memorial hall, party members reviewed the stormy journey of the party from 1921 to 2023. Lines of text, pictures, and videos, each touching heroic story, reproduce the century long history of the Party's development and revisit the glorious past.

All the Communist Party’s members of Doright gathered under the bright red flag, solemnly raising their right hands to relive the solemn oath of joining the Party, in order to inspire every party member to never forget their original intention, remember their mission, and become a qualified Communist Party member.


After the visit, comrades expressed the need to continuously learn from the spirit of revolutionary predecessors who overcame difficulties and courageously advanced, fully leverage the leading role of Party members, shine and heat in their respective positions, do practical work well, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
