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The 2024 Self Evaluation "Skill Level Certification Examination" was successfully held for skill certification 2024-05-24

In order to fully stimulate the vitality of enterprise talents, improve the construction of skilled talent system, and build a team of high skilled talents, Qingdao Doright Energy saving Equipment Co., Ltd. organized the 2024 enterprise vocational skill talent independent evaluation activity on May 24, 2024. The occupational level of this self-evaluation is senior welder, with a total of 33 employees participating in the registration qualification review. Leaders from the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the office attended the site for supervision.


This self-evaluation will be conducted through a combination of theoretical exams and skill operations. In order to do a good job in this evaluation work, the company has established a skilled talent independent evaluation and examination team in the early stage, and established an evaluation team based on the "team leader responsibility system" to be responsible for various aspects of work, including the formulation, implementation, and supervision of this independent evaluation and assessment plan; Participate in the skill improvement and training of employees in the assessment; The supervision team and safety team supervise and ensure the safety of the entire process; Assessment and evaluation work, as well as preparation for later certification.


This self-evaluation work is the development result of the mutual empowerment and deep integration of the company's human resources system construction and vocational skill level system. It not only improves the company's system construction in employee training, use, and motivation, but also makes vocational skill training an endogenous need for enterprise business development. As of now, the company has carried out two phases of skill level recognition and evaluated 57 skilled talents. The vitality of enterprise talents has been fully stimulated, injecting talent vitality into the company's development.


In the future, Doright will continue to focus on the construction of talent teams, conscientiously implement the requirements of the reform of industrial worker team construction, and on the basis of strengthening the normalized management of independent evaluation of skilled talents, adhere to the combination of skilled talent training and enterprise development, continuously optimize the training mode of enterprise skilled talents, follow the laws of talent growth, use a scientific, rational, and standardized institutional system, continuously smooth the growth channel of skilled talents, meet the needs of enterprises for skilled talents, help enterprises solve the problem of "skilled worker shortage", and provide strong talent guarantee and technical support for promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.
